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Roger Dubuis Replica Watch

The first and second places in the piano competition were tied this year between Theo Fouchenneret (24), from France, and Dmitry Shishkin (26), from Russia. San Jittakarn, a 26-year-old Thai woman,Roger Dubuis Replica took third place. The number of applicants to the competition has been increasing year after year. In 2018, there were over 400 applicants.

Schnorhk says: "Classical Music is a global affair. People are involved in classical and world music all over the globe, but especially in Asia where there is an active classical music scene. When you're young and have talent, it is important to make yourself known. "Winning a contest is one of the best ways to get noticed. Everyone will see you if you win."

It takes years of hard work and discipline to win a competition. Classical music is a lot like watchmaking. It requires a lot of attention and passion in order to make something beautiful. Sayegh explains that there is something more needed. "There are some musicians who communicate very clearly with their music, even through their application videos." Anyone can learn the techniques needed to compete but connecting with your soul is a completely different experience.

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